In 1997 I walked into Half Priced Books to browse and left with a copy of Eadweard Muybridge and the Photographic Panorama of San Francisco, 1850-1880 for $5. I had been familiar with Muybridge through his series of photographs of humans and animals in motion, which have been a classic reference for animators for nearly a century.
Now, I’m coming back to his San Francisco photos as I prepare a podcast about that city. I am very excited about this one, and hope to have it finished soon after I return from WWDC. The video games podcast was a lot of fun, but it had some problems that I hope to correct this time around.
I’ve tweaked this weblog design again, adding one of Muybridge’s panoramas to the header and experimenting with some different fonts and colors. I’ll switch the image out from time to time.