How I use Twitter

“Twiterrific 3.0”… is out, with a new price of $15 or free to use with ads. The ads are very effective and difficult to ignore, but really they don’t take anything away from the Twitter experience. The new version is great, though, and I’ll be sending my $15 to Icon Factory sometime in the next few days. “As Fraser Speirs said”… it’s a small price to pay to be connected to friends and colleagues.

I post to Twitter much more often than I blog now, and I think I owe some of my followers an explanation. I made a rule for myself early on to only follow people who I have met in real life. I’ve only made a couple exceptions to this, and none recently. It keeps the flow of tweets easier to manage and relevant.

So if you follow me on Twitter and wonder why I don’t return the favor, that is why. You probably have interesting things to say, so say hi to me at some future conference so I can add you to my list. I’ve actually been thinking about taking it one step further and protecting updates, because I tend to post about what (to this blog) have been traditionally private matters. Jury is still out on that decision.

The following numbers are interesting, though. I only do very basic Mint stats for this blog (I just care about referrers, not number of readers), but it does make me wonder how many people read this blog. If you’re reading this, add a comment to this post. (Haha, gotcha! I don’t have comments.)

Manton Reece @manton