MacLife write-up and Wii Transfer beta

MacLife Wii Transfer has a full-page mini-tutorial in the May edition of “MacLife magazine”, as part of a section on connecting your Mac to video game consoles. I finally “picked up a copy”… last night. It was certainly a nice surprise and seems to have brought a small increase in sales.

I’ve also been wrapping up the next version of Wii Transfer, which hopefully smoothes over most of the rough spots in the current release. After sending beta copies to a few customers, I’m opening up a “new forums section” as an experiment in getting early builds out without a more formal public beta. (It’s not linked from the main site yet, but will be soon.) Every developer handles betas in a different way, but I like the balance Jesse at “Hog Bay Software” has achieved between his released software page and the early builds and developer notes in the forums section, for those customers willing to dig a little bit below the surface.

Manton Reece @manton