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Last week I mentioned and Elliot Jackson’s tips in the Realmac forums for posting via Drafts and Editorial. Now Elliot has expanded his solution into a full blog post:

“The gist of it is that your post, written in Drafts, gets sent to Editorial which will take care of the publishing part thanks to it’s ability to run Python and Javascript scripts in it’s built in browser. The post could be both written and published from Editorial, but as nearly everything I do on my phone runs through Drafts anyway, it made sense for this to too.”

I’ve been using Editorial as my default iOS text editor for a while. I have a “Notes” folder on Dropbox that I use like Simplenote, but driven from Justnotes on the Mac and accessible via Editorial or any iOS editor. But I’ve just barely scratched the surface of what is possible with Editorial. It’s one of those rare apps that is fine for new users, but which also contains a great depth of features when you’re ready to explore underneath the initial layer of its UI.

Manton Reece @manton