NetNewsWire 5.0

Congratulations to Brent Simmons and all the contributors of NetNewsWire for shipping version 5.0 today. Here’s Brent with the announcement:

This release took five years to make, and for four of those years it wasn’t even called NetNewsWire. It was just a year ago that I got the name NetNewsWire back from Black Pixel — and I thank them again for their wonderful generosity.

Each major new version of an app is an opportunity to refocus, and NetNewsWire 5.0 prioritizes all the right things: it’s fast, embraces the open web, and feels at home on the Mac. NetNewsWire 5.0 takes everything Brent learned from previous versions, but rebuilt from scratch with modern features like Feedbin syncing, Dark Mode, and JSON Feed support.

And for folks on, NetNewsWire 5.0 also includes a sharing option to start a new microblog post right from an article you’re reading in NetNewsWire. It’s a great way to quickly share links on your microblog.

Manton Reece @manton