New help center using Discourse

I wanted the original help site for to be a blog, hosted on GitHub, because it would be easy for me to post new articles, and anyone could see the version history of an article, or contribute their own changes. And some people did! I want to especially thank @paulrobertlloyd for redesigning the help site a couple years ago.

But now that we’ve had some time since winding down our Slack community, it has become clear that even with the potential for extra blogs about like, which is a great resource, we needed a place that people could ask questions and get help from the community. The idea is to use the web forums software Discourse and combine it with all the content from our original help site.

Today the new is live. My favorite part: it will use your account. Just click Login and you’ll be automatically signed in. No new account to manage just to post to Discourse. Hope you like it!

Manton Reece @manton