I don't have strong opinions about football rules like I do about basketball. I think my nitpick with last night's game is that a 5-yard penalty also came with a free 1st down. Clock management is so critical late in the game that 1st downs shouldn't be given out easily. 🏈
"I expect chaos." — Me, writing in October just after Elon took control of Twitter.
One of my favorite things about blogging is looking back on what guidance might be hidden in old posts. Old blog posts are like a mission statement reality check. Yep, still on track.
Window art at a doctor’s office.
We pushed another TestFlight beta out for the Micro.blog rewrite. This adds post editing, which was one of the last things that I missed from the previous shipping version. @vincent continues to do good work on this, and I've even started contributing a little bit of code.
UFO speculation is funny. Aliens aren't going to invade with balloon-powered airships! 🎈 I think we're mostly alone. The universe is vast, but it's not that much older than our own planet. Not enough time to develop another civilization and solve lightspeed travel. 👽
Got some good replies that maybe I'm wrong about UFOs. But assuming we're mostly alone, I still don't know whether to be sad or inspired by it. No neighbors means it's all on us to explore and eventually move to other planets. 👽 Preferably not with balloon power. 🎈
Every time I set up something in S3 or Cloudfront, I have to re-learn how it works. Users, bucket policies, CORS… Doesn't matter if it was only a few weeks ago that I last configured something, or that I've used AWS for years. The UI is optimized for flexibility, not convenience.
At the beginning of each week, I make a short list of important tasks to work on. Always nice when it’s midweek and a bunch of things are done, sometimes everything. I’ve found this approach works well for me… Each week is a reset with achievable goals.
Of course the HTTPS cert for one of our CDNs would expire while I'm on an airplane. Thanks as always to @vincent for recovering things quickly.
Columbia River at Astoria.
Hung out with a bunch of people yesterday who I mostly hadn't met in person before, so now I'm replaying every conversation in my head to remember what idiotic things I probably said.
Yesterday at the Rose City Book Pub, catching up with @jean. 📚
Realized yesterday that a better per-post cross-posting setting is probably the most common Micro.bog feature request over the years. I think it's time. Expect it soon-ish.
Coffee and breakfast and coding at Either/Or. Love this boot glass. ☕️
Lunch and tea at Guilder.
Finished reading the last few chapters of Royal Assassin by Robin Hobb on the flight back to Austin. Can’t wait for the next one. 📚
Wrapping up ActivityPub improvements
Another week, another round of ActivityPub-related improvements! Over the last few months we've been filling in little details for Mastodon compatibility in Micro.blog. Were at the point where Micro.blog is a good fediverse citizen and has everything most people should need.
Today I rolled out initial support for setting a Mastodon profile header image. This is a feature that Micro.blog doesn't currently have for its own profiles. Should it? I'm not sure, but in the meantime I didn't want it to hold back anyone who likes profile headers on Mastodon.
You can upload a profile header in Micro.blog under Account → View Mastodon Details. When Mastodon users follow your account, they will see the header on Mastodon. Here's a screenshot of part of the settings screen:
Micro.blog also does a better job of notifying followers on other servers when a profile photo updates. Mastodon generally has a different philosophy for storing images than Micro.blog does. Micro.blog loads most images as needed when they are viewed and caches them for a certain length of time, whereas Mastodon waits for a server to tell it that a profile or post has updated and then copies any images to its own server.
We could take most major features in Micro.blog and keep fine-tuning them indefinitely. Mastodon support is no exception, but I think this is a good time to pause. Next week I'm excited to revisit some pieces of the core Micro.blog platform that don't necessary have anything to do with the fediverse.
This new Micro.blog plug-in from @sod is so clever. Post previews using your blog template!
I try not to complain about pricing because I know how annoying it can be when someone says $5 for Micro.blog is too much, but $12 for Meta Verified is way out of whack. Seems to be a new trend to charge for non-features.